Our goal is
to help consumers
find reputable lenders

MegaConnect.ai is making headway in the consumer loan marketing industry. Our goal is to help consumers find reputable lenders that will help them a better financial situation. Our innovative technology allows lenders to connect with qualified borrowers.
\ˈme-gə \
.of highest level of excellence, importance.
.greatly surpassing others of its kind
\ kə-ˈnekt \
.to become joined
.to transfer
.to make a successful hit
.to have or establish a rapport
.to establish a communications
We like to keep it simple, Our name speaks to both our efforts as your next marking partner and our vow to the level of care we will strive to provide.
Our Mega marketing team has a vast ray of experience in generating leads and we aim to greatly surpass others of its kind across all media forms.
We are dedicated to treat every partner with the highest level of importance and excellence.
To Connect with you, will mean we join forces, establish a strong base together and endeavor to transfer the most successful leads to your portfolios, all while keeping a clear and honest communications portal between us.
Connect TodayWe have a panel of experts in our compliance department. MegaConnect.ai has the people and know-how to provide you with compliant leads and high-converting and quality traffic
We feature a plethora of filters; including states, income, and any other parameters you have. We can more closely match your leads to your underwriting criteria
Accepted Lead
With our ping-tree model, you only pay for accepted loan leads. With our dynamic pricing options, you only spend the exact amount you want to
A simple model that allows you to pay for the number of clicks you receive
Click & Data
Our new and better take on the Pay Per Click includes authorized data from a consumer that has clicked
We feature an Interactive Voice Response feature in our software that filters calls. That way, you can avoid unwanted traffic
Call Based on Duration
Only pay for calls that last for the amount of time you need!
Accepted Call
Just like our Pay per Accepted lead feature, we redirect consumers to your call centers
Call & Data
Our calls come with consumer data posted to your LMS, with the proper authorization
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